Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Time for a new do!

Marty looked in the mirror this morning and noticed he was starting to look a little shaggy around the edges, so decided he needed a haircut. Luckily the fine folks down at Soggy Dog were able to fit him in last minute. Marty can be very impulsive about things sometimes.

"This way please....have a seat"

Marty can get a little squirmy while getting a haircut.
It tickles.

Finally! Someone who can manage Marty's cowlick.

Can't forget the tail.

Marty look fabulous!

Lady Beatrice shows of her pawdicure.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Here comes Martyclaus!

Marty is getting ready for Christmas! With help from Elf Panda, Marty was able to get all the gifts wrapped for all the good cats and dogs.

Elf Panda makes sure the
wrapping paper get the perfect cut

Elf Panda is on guard to make sure no
one sees their present before Christmas.
Matty was trying to sneak a peek.

Tape: the eternal struggle.

Time to check the lights!

They all work

Everyone's ready for Christmas!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Almost Christmas!

Marty is super excited that it's almost Christmas, he can't wait to open all his presents. Marty finally found time to decorate and take Lady Beatrice and Panda to see Elvis Santa.

Digging out the decoration

There it is!

Ready for Christmas!

Elvis Santa!!

Monday, December 5, 2011


Marty is a beekeeper! Marty loves bee barf so much that he decided that he wanted to help his furry buzzy little friends create the finest and yummiest honey they can. They came late at night and set up camp and a watering hole, and now Marty's 40,000 bffs can help him with the holiday entertaining.

You can buy some of Marty's bee barf at Therabee honey.

"Aw come on mom, I've got my headgear on!"

Who knew bees could bee so heavy that it takes two to move em?

Marty Feng Shuied the hives

Release the bees!

Happy Bees!

Enjoying a sip at the watering hole

Monday, November 28, 2011

Happppppy Martsgiving!

Marty had a lovely Thanksgiving with his family, and this year was his turn to feed everyone. Marty started cooking the night before and was finally finished just in time for everyone to arrive.

Deciding which recipe is best

It's hard to not get wet when you're washing cranberries

Stirring a witches brew

Chiles are a typical side dish in Marty's Mexican family

The linens get so wrinkly when they haven't been used in a while

Hope there's enough plates and napkins for everyone

Yep, Marty can cook a turkey

Panda is so excited for the guests to arrive

Lady Beatrice is ready to entertain

Eagerly awaiting the mashed potatoes

Glazing the ham

Turkey's done!

With a Thanksgiving success, Marty finally
relaxes and enjoys the company of his family

Monday, November 14, 2011

Mmmmmmmmm Toasty!

A brand new toaster oven came in the mail over the weekend! Marty doesn't have a stove (well he does, but it doesn't function as a stove normally would) and he is regulated to cooking whatever is microwavable. And cereal. Lots and lots of cereal. So a toaster oven vastly increases his dining choices. Marty has been a toasting fool since the toaster oven came in the mail and was excited to shop in the frozen foods aisle.

Marty had a feast of a breakfast this morning of eggs, hash browns, and Eggos!

Toaster oven goodness!

Marty 's microwave is dirty from the explosion of bbq last night.
He was too lazy to clean it when it happened.

Microwaveably delicious!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Martyween!!!

It's Martyween time!!! This year Marty dug out his bunny costume from Easter and headed out to the Howl o' Ween parade. Lady Beatrice and Panda were clowns clowning around all over the place.