Saturday, January 29, 2011

Puppy cam!

Just in time for Superbowl, Marty set up his own puppy cam

Free live streaming by Ustream

Monday, January 24, 2011


Lady Beatrice had an appointment at the beauty parlour this weekend to freshen up since having the puppies and asked Marty to babysit. Marty gladly accepted the job and while the pups slept helped himself to all the goodies in the fridge and the free cable.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Martfather

Marty is super excited today because his newest friend Lady Beatrice had puppies and asked Marty to be the godfather to them. Since hearing this blessed news, Marty has spent all day going all over town making offers that cannot be refused to people.

There are three girls and one boy. Guess which one is the boy

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wow a New Year already!

Man Marty has been out of the game for a while now. Lets see the last post was in November, so what has Marty been doing for that time? He ate too much at Thanksgiving again and spent a few days in turkey food coma. Then he got lost in the shuffle and bustle of all the Christmas shopping. Then while wrapping presents he accidentally wrapped himself and wasn't found until someone finally unwrapped him on Christmas. Then he got sick.

But Marty has a new friend! May I present to you Lady Beatrice of Hollingsworth.