Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Martyween!

It's Halloweeeeeeen! Or at least it was yesterday। Marty was a pirate and spent the day with his other four legged friends at the Long Beach costume dog parade. Matty was the Kitteh from

See more pics at

Monday, October 18, 2010

Voting Day!

Marty voted today!  How did he vote when it's not election day you ask? He mailed in his ballot.  Marty wasn't sure if he was going to have time to participate in his civic duty on elections day, so he requested his mail in ballot from his county registrar's office and they mailed it to him!  Matty just slept all day, patriotically.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Mmmmmm Chocolate!!!

This is how Marty felt today when he went to the Los Angeles Luxury Chocolate Salon at the Pasadena Convention Center.

Marty had to wait in long lines to try all the delicious chocolate

Everyone wants to try Ococoa's delightful little chocolate pieces
